Layanan 1 | STROBIC AIR Fans, Silencer and Systems Include HDPE Pipe, HDPE Fitting, Welding scope |
layanan NMR 1 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian laju fotosintesis (Out Site) | Portable photosynthesis measuring system/infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) |
Pengujian laju fotosintesis (In Site) | Portable photosynthesis measuring system/infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
Pengujian laju fotosintesis (In Site-SITH) | Portable photosynthesis measuring system/infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
Pengujian laju fotosintesis (Out Site-SITH) | Portable photosynthesis measuring system/infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) |
Pengujian Pelarut NMR aseton-d6 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian Pelarut NMR D2O | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian Pelarut NMR Metanol-d4 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian Pelarut NMR DMSO-d6 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian Pelarut CDCl3 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 1D-NMR13C(256-1000 scan) | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 1D-NMR13C (2000 scan) | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 1D-NMR13C (5000 scan) | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 1D-NMR1H | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 1D-NMR NOESY | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 2D-NMR DEPT 90/135 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 2D-NMR HSQC | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 2D-NMR HMBC | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 2D-NMR COSY | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian 2D-NMR NOESY | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian Penentuan Unit Sel Kristal Senyawa non Protein | SC-XRD (Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
Pengujian Pengambilan Data Senyawa non Protein | SC-XRD (Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer) |
Pengujian Penyelesaian dan Analisis Struktur Senyawa non Protein | SC-XRD (Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer) |
Pengujian Pembuatan Kristal Protein Satu Jenis | SC-XRD (Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer) |
Training Pengguna Alat dan Latihan Membaca Data | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 400 Mhz |
Pengujian Komposisi Elemental Carbon Hidrogen Nitrogen Sulfur | CHNS/O Elemental Analyzer |
Pengujian Luas area, isoterm, volume pori, distribusi ukuran pori | Surface Area and Pore Size Distribution Analyzer |
Pengujian Transmisi/Absorbansi-Larutan | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Transmisi/Absorbansi-Film Tipis | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Emisi-Larutan | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Emisi-Film Tipis | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Emisi/Eksitasi-Larutan | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Emisi/Eksitasi-Film Tipis | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Excitation Emission Matrix - Larutan | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Excitation Emission Matrix - Thin Film | Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer |
Pengujian Solar sel | Solar Simulator Brand : Sciencetech Model : 165-9008 |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan jam) |
Pengujian Pengukuran ketebalan lapisan tipis (Indeks bias bahan diketahui) | MICRO SPOT SPECTROSCOPY ELLIPSOMETRY AND IMAGING UVISEL PLUS |
Pengujian Pengukuran spektrum psi dan delta (bulk, thin film, multistack layer) | MICRO SPOT SPECTROSCOPY ELLIPSOMETRY AND IMAGING UVISEL PLUS |
Pengujian PL Steady State (Single Spektrum) | MICRO PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY (OSD-SMS) |
Pengujian PL Steady State (Single Spektrum + Mapping) | MICRO PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY (OSD-SMS) |
Pengujian Time Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL) (Lifetime) Single Spektrum TRPL | MICRO PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY (OSD-SMS) |
Pengujian Time Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL) (Lifetime) Mapping TRPL | MICRO PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY (OSD-SMS) |
Pengujian Pengujian PL Komprehensif (PL Steady State dan Lifetime) | MICRO PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY (OSD-SMS) |
Pengujian komposisi unsur pada sampel padatan dan bubuk (sudah dalam keadaan pellet) dengan sinar X-Ray, Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry | X-RAY FLOURESCENCE (XRF) MESA-SOV3 |
Pengujian Ag, Al, As, Au, Bi, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, Zn | Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) |
Pengujian Na | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian K | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Ca | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Mg | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Zn | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Fe | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Cu | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Mn | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Al | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian As | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian Hg | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Preparasi Sampel Padat | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Preparasi Sampel Cair | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Flame with Autosampler & Hydride Vapour |
Pengujian kadar protein kjedahl | Buci Kjeldahl BUCHI K-365 BasicKjel Starter |
Pengujian Refrigerant centrifuge | Centrifuge 5804R incl swing rotor and fixed rotor for 15/50 ml |
Pengujian Ultra-wideband Magnetotelluric Systems | Ultra-wideband Magnetotelluric Systems |
Penyewaan perangkat VR-Eye i-Motions | VR-Eye i-Motions |
Penyewaan perangkat VR-Eye i-Motions | VR-Eye i-Motions |
Penyewaan perangkat VR-Eye i-Motions | VR-Eye i-Motions |
Pengujian Untargated proteomics; Sample digestion, akses data mentah (kromatogram dan spektrum massa), analisis data dengan software progenesis | Waters LC HRMS Xevo G3 Qtof |
Pengujian Analisis data dengan software progenesis | Waters LC HRMS Xevo G3 Qtof |
Pengujian Sample digestion, akses data mentah (kromatogram dan spektrum massa). | Waters LC HRMS Xevo G3 Qtof |
Pengujian Particle Size | Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer BeNano 90 |
Pengujian Zeta Potential | Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer BeNano 90 |
Pengujian Size vs Temperature | Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer BeNano 90 |
Pengujian Zeta vs Temperature | Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer BeNano 90 |
Pengujian Karakterisasi dasar morfologi permukaan (noncontact) | Atomic Force Microscope |
Pengujian Karakterisasi dasar morfologi permukaan (contact) | Atomic Force Microscope |
Pengujian Karakterisasi dasar morfologi permukaan (noncontact), paket 10 pengukuran | Atomic Force Microscope |
Pengujian Analisis AFM lainnya | Atomic Force Microscope |
Analisis khusus (hanya ITB) | Atomic Force Microscope |
Analisis khusus (hanya ITB), paket 10 pengukuran | Atomic Force Microscope |
Penyewaan alat Water quality profiler | Water quality profiler |
Penyewaan alat Automatic weather station | Automatic weather station |
Pengujian Soxhlet Extraction | Shoxlet Extractor |
Pengujian Sample drying and conditioning using oven | Hot air oven - oven memmert |
Pengujian Miscible gas / CO2 test: Minimum Miscibility Pressure Determination using Slim Tube | Slim Tube System |
Pengujian Immiscible Gas Injection: Coreflood, 1.5" plug size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Immiscible Gas Injection: Coreflood, 1.5" 1 ft size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Miscible Gas Injection: Coreflood, 1.5" plug size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Miscible Gas Injection: Coreflood, 1.5" 1 ft size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Water Flooding & Chemical Flooding: Coreflood, 1.5" Plug Size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Water Flooding & Chemical Flooding: Coreflood, 1.5" 1ft Size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Chemical Flooding: Injectivity Test, 1.5" Plug Size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Chemical Flooding: Injectivity Test, 1.5" 1ft Size | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Water/oil relative permeability (unsteady state) fresh sample at reservoir condition | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Water/oil relative permeability (unsteady state) fresh sample at ambient condition | EOR Gasflood |
Water/oil relative permeability (steady state) fresh sample at reservoir condition | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Water/oil relative permeability (steady state) fresh sample at ambient condition | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Gas/water relative permeability at reservoir condition | EOR Gasflood |
Pengujian Gas/water relative permeability at ambient condition | EOR Gasflood |
Caprock Integrity Test | EOR Gasflood |
Biaya Operator | EOR Gasflood |
Konsultasi Interpretasi Hasil dan Reporting | EOR Gasflood |
Survey seismik pasif menggunakan SmartSolo IGU-HR16 | Seismometer Smartsolo IGU-16 HR-IES (5Hz) |
Survey seismik pasif menggunakan SmartSolo IGU-BD3C-5 | Seismometer Smartsolo IGU-BD3C-5 64GB |
Uji Viskositas | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Uji Rheologi | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Pengujian Rheology Thermal Stability Test | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Pengujian Viscosity vs concentration | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Pengujian Viscocity vs salinity | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Pengujian Viscosity vs temperature | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Sewa alat inklusi (analisis dilakukan sendiri, tidak termasuk biaya pembuatan sayatan dan nitrogen) - Inklusi Fluida | TRINOCULAR POLARIZING MICROSCOPE, with Episcopic & Diascopic Illumination and LINK Temperature Control Software |
Analisis inklusi fluida apabila tidak terdapat inklusi setelah dilakukan observasi, sudah termasuk pembuatan sayatan - Inklusi Fluida | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Analisis inklusi fluida dilakukan pengukuran pada saat pemanasan dan pembekuan (Th, Tf, Tm,Ta) | TRINOCULAR POLARIZING MICROSCOPE, with Episcopic & Diascopic Illumination and LINK Temperature Control Software |
Sewa alat Mikroskop (analisis dilakukan sendiri, tidak termasuk biaya pembuatan sayatan) - Mikroskop Petrografi | TRINOCULAR POLARIZING MICROSCOPE, with Episcopic & Diascopic Illumination and LINK Temperature Control Software |
Analisis batuan berupa softcopy dan hardcopy, belum termasuk preparasi - Mikroskop Petrografi | BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized |
Penyewaan alat GPS Geodetik Timble R4S | GPS Geodetik Timble R4S |
Analisis TOC | TOC L-CPH |
Penyewaan alat Sontek River Surveyor | Sontek River Surveyor |
Pengujian Fluoroscence-Activated Cell Sorting | FACSLyric |
Pengujian Cell Cycle Assay | FACSLyric |
Pengujian Apoptosis Detection | FACSLyric |
Pengujian Pemetaan topografi dan analisa detail permukaan tanah | Drone multirotor |
3D Printer | 3D Printer |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
Penyewaan alat DJI Drone - Mavic 3 entreprise RTK | DJI Drone - Mavic 3 entreprise RTK |
1x RTK module | DJI Drone - Mavic 3 entreprise RTK Module |
DJI - Mavic 3 Enterprise Battery Kit | DJI Drone - Mavic 3 entreprise RTK Module |
DJI - DRTK 2 Base Station + Base Station Tripod for D-RTK 2 | DJI Drone - Mavic 3 entreprise RTK Module |
Differential Vaporization of reservoir fluid at reservoir temperature and presentation of gas solubility and oil shrinkage data | PVT phase behavior system |
Biaya Operator | PVT phase behavior system |
Konsultasi Interpretasi Hasil dan Reporting | PVT phase behavior system |
Pressure-Volume Relation of reservoir fluid at reservoir temperature | PVT phase behavior system |
tes | tes3 |
Jasa Uji OES | Paket Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) Metal Enalyzer Brand : ThermoFusher Scientific Model: ARL - iSpark 8820 |
Jasa Uji OES - Khusus FTMD | Paket Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) Metal Enalyzer Brand : ThermoFusher Scientific Model: ARL - iSpark 8820 |
Pengujian SEM + EDS | Scanning Electron Microscope |
(minimal penggunaan jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
Pengujian SEM + EDS - Khusus FTMD | Scanning Electron Microscope |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
(minimal penggunaan 1.00 jam) |
Pengujian EDS Spot / Area | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Pengujian EDS Spot / Area - Khusus FTMD | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Pengujian EDS Line | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Pengujian EDS Line - Khusus FTMD | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Mapping | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Mapping - Khusus FTMD | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Coating | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Coating - Khusus FTMD | Scanning Electron Microscope |
Pengukuran distribusi ukuran partikel | Zetasizer Advanced Pro Blue - Particle Size Analyzer |
Pengukuran distribusi ukuran partikel dan potensial zeta | Zetasizer Advanced Pro Blue - Particle Size Analyzer |
Pengukuran /sampel | FACSLyric |
CD |
Preparasi XRF |
Ball Mill |
Liquid Nitrogen |
Liquid Nitrogen |