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Informasi Alat

Nama Alat Duetta UV-VIS-NIR Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectrometer
Deskripsi Alat Mendeteksi dan mengkarakterisasi senyawa chromophore dan senyawa fluorophore baik secara qualitative dan quantitative Duetta-Bio. Duetta Simultaneous EEM Fluorescence and UV‐Vis‐NIR Spectrophotometer. This patented A‐TEEM spectrometer includes LampSnap xenon lamp illuminator, excitation monochromator with variable slits (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 & 20 nm), reference photodiode, excitation filter wheel, excitation polarizers (V, H), standard cuvette holder, quartz cuvette, emission polarizers (V, H & Magic Angle), imaging spectrograph, CCD detector (250 to 1,100 nm) with adjustable emission slits (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 & 20 nm), and EzSpec software. Requires but does not include laptop or PC. 3 Quartz Cuvette 4ml volume 10x10mm optical path open top with cap. 1 Self-identifying sample holder with 360 degree variable angle goniometer for empirical determination of optimum sample angle. Sample tray can be installed in seconds without need of a tool. Requires but does not include, solid sample holder accessory (SampleSnap-SS), powder sample holder accessory (SampleSnap-PWD).1 unit of Solid sample accessory for universal sample holder to be used with flat or solid samples such as thin films, cover slips, paper gemstones and more. Requires but does not include SampleSnap-UNI. 1 unit Powder sample accessory for universal sample holder. Requires but does not include SampleSnap-UNI. 1 Six pack of windows for powdered sample holder. 1 unit of Replacement Duetta light source assembly with pre-aligned xenon arc lamp. 1 unit of Replacement Duetta air intake filter. 1 Sealed certified water standard for sensitivity performance verification. Computer set (Pentium i7 Processor, 16 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD + 512GB SSD, Dual LED 24" Monitors (side by side)) or a Curved Monitor, DVD/CD-RW, Windows 10 64 bit, Mouse, Keyboard), Printer, UPS 2KVA, Wireless Adaptor, Dry Cabinet, Table for Instrument and Computer, 1 Year Warranty & Wararnty Certificate, Temperature and Humidity Monitor, Gloves. Installation and Comissioning by Principal (HORIBA Indonesia), Training for Unlimited Participants (onsite) by Principal (HORIBA Indonesia), Training certificate, Free refresh training once a year (Offline and or Online) if needed by Principal (HORIBA Indonesia), Free Technical and Application Support (Unlimited Time) from Principal (HORIBA Indonesia) by Online and Offline if needed, Shipment Cost from HORIBA US to HORIBA Indonesia, guarantee min 1 year
Preparasi Sample
Lokasi Gedung. Kimia Dasar, Lab Kimia Fisik, Lantai 2
PIC Dr. Veinardi Suendo S.Si.,M.Eng.
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