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Nama Alat BROOKFIELD Digital Viscometer - Rheometer fully accesorized
Deskripsi Alat Membantu visualisasi dan analisis inklusi fluida untuk kegiatan riset dan praktikum I. Umum The Brookfield VDVNX Rheometer is a precise torque meter which is driven at discrete rotational speeds. The torque measuring system, which consists of a calibrated beryllium-copper spring connecting the drive mechanism to a rotating cone, senses the resistance to rotation caused by the presence of sample fluid between the cone and a stationary flat plate. The Brookfield Viscometer-Rheometer VDVNX CP, often utilized in the petroleum industry, plays a crucial role in evaluating the rheological properties of various fluids, including those relevant to renewable energy research. In the context of renewable energy, this instrument can be employed to assess the viscosity and flow behavior of biofuels, lubricants, and heat transfer fluids. Understanding these properties is essential for optimizing energy conversion processes, such as those involving wind turbines, solar thermal systems, and biofuel production. The viscosity data obtained from the VDVNX CP is particularly valuable for designing efficient heat exchangers and ensuring the proper lubrication of mechanical components in renewable energy systems. This, in turn, enhances system performance and reliability. Additionally, the rheological data aids in the formulation of biofuels with the desired flow characteristics, ensuring their compatibility with existing infrastructure. Researchers in renewable energy leverage the VDVNX CP's capabilities to fine-tune fluid properties, contributing to the development of more sustainable and efficient energy solutions. This instrument, through precise viscosity measurements, supports the advancement of renewable energy technologies, aligning with the broader goal of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental impact. II. Main Unit 7-inch Full Color Touch Screen Display • Enhanced Controls • Real Time Graphing • Supports Multiple Languages Displayed Info: • Viscosity (cP or mPa•s) • Temperature (°C or °F) • Shear Rate/Stress • % Torque • Speed/Spindle • Step Program Status • Math Model Calculations Accuracy: ±1.0% of range • Displayed with test data Repeatability: ±0.2% III. Aksesoris/Komponen 1. Temperature Control Baths for Brookfield Laboratory Viscometer type TC-650AP 2. XDVPLRVTJ00G00, RV DVPLUS Viscometer,TC,PJ,EUROPE IV. Peralatan Pendukung 1. Temperature Control Baths for Brookfield Laboratory Viscometer type TC-650AP 2. XDVPLRVTJ00G00, RV DVPLUS Viscometer,TC,PJ,EUROPE V. Software (apabila dibutuhkan) VI. Instalasi, uji fungsi, garansi (berapa tahun), jaminan purna jual VII. Training, Surat Dukungan dari Agen (Apabila dibutuhkan) VIII. Kelengkapan Administrasi : Surat Garansi, Buku Manual, Sertifikat Kalibrasi *)
Preparasi Sample
Lokasi laboratorium analisa fluida reservoir, Gedung Energi lantai 3
PIC Dr. Rani Kurnia, S.Si., M.T.
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