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Nama Alat SC-XRD (Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer)
Deskripsi Alat Penentuan posisi atom-atom dalam suatu kristal dengan tingkat resolusi tinggi, gambaran struktur molekuler secara langsung, termasuk ikatan antaratom, panjang ikatan, sudut ikatan, dan orientasi relatif atom-atom dalam molekul tersebut. Informasi ini sangat penting untuk pemahaman sifat kimia dan fisika molekul dan penentuan grup ruang dan simetri kristal. SC-XRD (Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer) Brand : Bruker Model : D8 Venture Country of Origin : Germany Spesification : Basic hard- and software : Large cabinet, enclosure, controller, two sources IµS 3.0 and DIAMOND Generator Tube mount adapter for IµS 3.0 and DIAMOND, first source IµS 3.0 and DIAMOND Generator Horizontal Goniometer Configuration tested, powerful PC 200-230V 1p 50/60Hz, for IµS 2kVA and ECO 3kVA (all) D8 VENTURE Tube mount adapter for IµS 3.0 and DIAMOND, second source HELIOS Mo optic (ELM33Mo-Z) for IµS DIAMOND, first source HELIOS MX Cu optic (ELM57Z) for IµS DIAMOND, second source Beamstop, first source, 1.5mm Beamstop, second source, 1.5mm Kappa Stage Goniometer Head motorized, stand-alone (AGH) PHOTON III C14 Mixed-Mode Detector Mount for PHOTON detector, measurement height 214mm for mot. Track One Pinhole Collimator 0.8 One Pinhole Collimator 0.8 IµS DIAMOND source Cu IµS DIAMOND source Mo 4-axes motor driver board Kappa and Motorized Detector Track Electronics 10m power cable for 200-230V 1p 50/60Hz, for IµS 2kVA and ECO 3kVA (all) Detector Track, motorized Video microscope SCD, high definition Goniometer Head manual Reference crystal Ylid for SCD Steel Ball for SCD APEX3 w. SHELXTL S/W, Win (site lic. suppl. w. D8 QUEST/ D8 VENTURE) Helpdesk SCD, support per year (max 5, free of charge while system is under warranty) One year warranty extension for IµS DIAMOND (dual source) Warranty Extension PHOTON III 14, per year, max. 6 total Low-Temperature System *Cryostream 800, refill ready, w./o. pump & stand, 50 & 60 Hz *Cryostream/Cobra Mount for D8 VENTURE & D8 DISCOVER Chaperone Compounds – Versatile Agents for Co-crystallization Chaperone TEO Chaperone TDA Chaperone TBro Data Processing S/W for PC APEX3 w. SHELXTL S/W add. lic, Win (suppl. w. D8 QUEST/ D8 VENTURE) PC for Data-Processing / Data-Evaluation Fast PC for D8 QUEST / D8 VENTURE, WIN, English Include: 1. Tousimis Autosamdri®-931 with 1.25" Process Size Chamber. Non-Clean Room Version (LCO2 Tank Scale w/ Remote, LCO2 Filter Element, arboy, 1 gallon capacity with 2 quick-connects for securing 1⁄4” ID Exhaust tubing, 1" Large Capacity Holder) 2. Diffrential Scanning Calorimeter - SETLINE DSC Temperature: -170 to 700 °C (depend on configuration) - Taining, Installation, & Comissioning
Preparasi Sample
Lokasi Labtek XV
PIC Dr. Aep Patah
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