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Nama Alat Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
Deskripsi Alat Analisa kadar logam sampai serendah 10 ppt ke 1% The AGILENT 7850 ICP-MS incorporates a new, 4th generation cell, the ORS4, which provides fast cell gas switching and the most effective interference removal using kinetic energy discrimination (KED) in He mode. Octopole: The octopole ion guide provides superior ion focusing, minimizing ion scattering and ensuring that high sensitivity is maintained at the high cell pressures required for effective KED. He cell mode as standard: Only the combination of narrow ion energy distribution (due to Shield Torch) and the 7850 ICP-MS’s unique octopole-based cell enables efficient removal of interferences using an inert cell gas(He) and KED. The use of He cell gas also eliminates safety issues related to reactive gases such as H2, H2 mixes or NH3. Cell gas control: The 7850 ICP-MS has a single He cell gas controller as standard. A second or third cell gas line can be added to permit the use of reactive cell gases such as H2, xenon or ammonia. If multiple cell gases are used in a method, the cell gas is automatically changed with minimal switching time (~5 sec). ULTRA HIGH MATRIX INTRODUCTION (UHMI): Agilent’s unique UHMI aerosol dilution technology extends the matrix tolerance of the Agilent ICP-MS, allowing routine analysis of samples containing tens of % (up to 25%) levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), while eliminating the added costs, time and potential errors of conventional liquid dilution Mass range: 2–260 amu • Mass scan speed: • Slew rate (Li to U, no intervening peaks): 56.6 million amu/s • Scan speed (Li to U, plus data collection at 40 intervening masses): >3,000 amu/s • Abundance Sensitivity (at Cs): • Low Mass side: 5 x 10-7 • High Mass side: 1 x 10-7 Included: 1. I-AS Integrated Autosampler (1X) 2. ICP-MS Mass Hunter software (1X) 3. ICP-MS Mass Hunter ready PC bundle (CPU min intel i7, RAM min. 16 GB) & printer 4. Recirculating Water Chiller (1X) 5. PA tuning solution and checkout solution 6. Internal standard mixture 100 mL (1X) 7. Gas clean carrier gas filter kit (1/8") 8. UPS 10 KVA + isolation transformer 9. Blower ducting system 10. Argon gas and tube (5X) 11. Switch over regulator for argon gas 12. Instalasi + uji fungsi 13. Training min. 2 person (overseas) 14. Warranty min. 1 year
Preparasi Sample
Lokasi Gedung Basic Science Center A lantai 2
PIC Untung Triadhi
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