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Informasi Alat

Nama Alat Syringe Pump 1
Deskripsi Alat Peralatan ini digunakan untuk menunjang proses uji coreflooding, khususnya untuk memompakan fluida injeksi Ultra-high pressure fluid phase behavior equipment: Volume: 300 ml Flow: 0.0001 ml/min to 73 ml/min Slow accuracy: 0.1% of set point pressyre range 0.1% FS Material stainless steel Temperature range +5oC to 40oC Temperature accuracy 0.1oC Power required 230Vac Dimension (HxDxW) 98x41x27 cm weight = 52kg Certification PED 97/23/CE Construction Installation, training and commisioning at JABODETABEK Warranty one year from manufacture defect
Preparasi Sample
Lokasi Lab Dato Lantai 5
PIC Dr. rer. nat. Ir. R. Mohammad Rachmat, S.T, M.T.
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