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Nama Alat PVT phase behavior system
Deskripsi Alat This apparatus can be used to determine: 1. Recombination Fluids. 2. Oil Study : - Constant Mass Expansion (CME) - Constant Composition Expansion (CCE). - Diferential Vaporation (DV) - Separator Test. 3. Gas Condensate Study: - Constant Mass Depletion (CMD) - Constant Volume Depletion (CVD). 4. Dew Point determination. 5. Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) Study 6. Density ,Viscosity, Hydrocarbon Composition determination (with optional) 7. Swelling Test (optional swelling pump). 8. Z Factor Determination 9. Asphalten quantification 10. Gas Hydrate Study Max. Working pressure 700 bar (70 Mpa) Max. Working Temperature Ambient to 180°C PVT Cell Volume 300 ml Visual volume 300 ml Accuracy on measurements: Pressure 0.1 bar Temperature ±0.1°c Liquid deposit 0.005 ml Bubble/dew point repeatability ±0.35 bar Resisting corrosive abilities CO2 and H2S
Preparasi Sample
Lokasi Lab Dato Lantai 4
PIC Dr. rer. nat. Ir. R. Mohammad Rachmat, S.T, M.T.
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